Institute of Linguistics - the wave genetics
Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics.
Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse.
This work began in Russia in the 20-ies of the last century by the Gurvich AG, but forgotten. this work since 1984, we have continued.
Research conducted at the Institute of physical and technical problems of the USSR, then at MSU, FIAN, in IPU RAN, in Canada (Toronto, SynX), the MSTU. AD. Bauman and others. scientific structures.
With the help of certain laser technology, We get special sound spectra, to use as a human from the pathology State moves to normal.

Peter P. Garyaev
Since 1984 Garyaev Petr Petrovich began research into new areas of genetic coding and by 1994 created a new trend in genetics – The Wave Genetics, and then Lingvistiko – The Wave Genetics. In 1997. on the topic Garyaev Peter defended his doctoral thesis in the MSTU. Bauman of HIAC. Was elected as academician of RANS and RAMTN and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 2013, Pyotr Garyaev established “Institute of Quantum Genetics”.
While working at the Institute of physical and technical problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1984-1998g.g.) as a senior research officer and group leader, Peter gariaev Petrovic found two, previously unknown, unusual kinds of memory of DNA molecules. This has been fixed by correlation laser spectroscopy.
Quantum programming of stem cells within the framework of natural programs, used by the human body, It is one of the key technologies of linguistics – wave Genetics, developed by the group, headed by P.P. Gariaev.
What to do with coronavirus?
We got unique experimental results., which, probably related to, related to the Covida pandemic. We saw and recorded, that real genes can dematerialize and be components of non-real electromagnetic fields. And genes can reappear as matter, as proved by quantum physics for elementary particles – photons, electrons etc. However,, where does the Coronavirus pandemic? His genes, as a collection of elementary particles, also (I guess) can acquire the state of an electromagnetic field. As a result, genes temporarily disappear as matter. This means, that under certain conditions our genes and virus genes, infected us, can fluctuate in such a quantum way – then disappear, then arise. If so, then we can now explain the unusual and dangerous behavior of the Covid-19 coronavirus genes for us
Ekaterina Alexandrovna Leonova-Garjaeva
Ekaterina Alexandrovna Leonova-Garjaeva
Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Leonova-Garyaeva is the widow of Pyotr Petrovich Garyaev. They lived together for almost thirty years.. She was his soul mate, and we will try to figure it out together.
– Perhaps, this is where we start the conversation. How do you heal by photography, how it looks in practice, Leonova-Garyaeva Ekaterina? I want to grab readers’ attention…
– A photograph is taken – this is a certain image, key to human database. We usually use baby shot, which depicts a child under seven years old. He should be the only one in the photo., healthy, and better, to smile, was in a good mood. We read information from a photo using a laser, in this case, the photons of the laser beam are converted into sound (there is a scientific basis for this) and get the sound matrix.
What is a matrix? It’s some kind of blind, which is taken from something
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By removing the frequency characteristics of a particular organism, By removing the frequency characteristics of a particular organism (By removing the frequency characteristics of a particular organism, By removing the frequency characteristics of a particular organism, infectious agents) infectious agents.
infectious agents, that the results of this study are not a definitive diagnosis.
Diagnosis is carried out by our specialist on Saturdays, 10.00 to 18.00 that the results of this study are not a definitive diagnosis. The cost of the procedure is 2000 rubles.
The cost of the procedure is 2000 rubles, Olga Fedorovna
Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus
Background:Genetics, Biochemistry and physics 20-ies did not let prove brilliant foresight A.g. Gurvich. And only 70-90-s of the last century were the fundamental work of the German school of F.a. Poppa (F.A.Popp), which is the unit of heredity organisms (the...
Transfer bioactive information by sound
Download the full French pdfSound as the carrier of a biologically active information polarization-laser-wave spectra. The results of the study show, that the impact of the Tibetan Mantra and the acoustic version of NTI PLR (Polarization-Laser-Radiowave) Spectra of...
Biocomputer function of DNA
Download the full French pdfThe basis for the proposed idea of establishing DNA-wave bio-computer, that will use the memory cells made up with genetic molecules, based on experimental and theoretical work implemented by the authors, in which:(a)The ability of DNA to...
The fractality of intelligence
Peter P. Garyaev, doctor of biological sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of medico-technical sciences, rans:As far as I understand, We have a society of mutual respect, very narrow, and while little, but the Russian Academy of Sciences we are listening....
Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2007, # 2, с. 155-158
P.P. Garyaev, A.A.Kokaya *, I.V.Muhina *, E.A.Leonova-Garyaeva, N.G.Kokaya *INKOM-NAUKA, Moscow; * Central research laboratory below the city-state medical academy shown, that exposure modulated by the pancreas and spleen broadband electromagnetic radiation, generated...
Wave genetic code
After the discovery of the structure of DNA and detailed consideration of this molecule in the genetic processes underlying problem of life – mechanisms of its playback – in fact not disclosed. Hence the limited arsenal of technical and biotechnological tools for...
Wave genetics
Work in the field created by the direction of wave genetics research initiated in 1984, When unable to, using the method of correlation laser spectroscopy to detect two previously unknown types of DNA memory.
The first – a memory, which describes the problem of Fermi-Pasta-Ulam. She’s in the physics of nonlinear systems is known as a memory of nonlinear systems in the initial excitation mode. In biological systems, this memory provides tissue regeneration (bodies), including embryogenesis. This is one of the key information processes in biosystems. Managing them, and it’s real, It will make it possible to regenerate human organs and tissues, thereby prolong its active life. The second is the ability of DNA molecules to produce their own quantum equivalents based on managed change spin States of atoms bioveshhestv. In humans, it plays a strategic role as a process of quantum biocomputing, i.e.. the strategic management of all genetic processes, So, in the end, and life itself. These same processes can be adjusted artificially – to treat and prolong the life of man. The formation of quantum bioveshhestv equivalents are characterized not only by DNA, but all substances of the human body, that offers great opportunities to use them to treat people on different principles. This trend, future direction, It can be called biospintronikoy. Our technologies linguistic and wave genetics provide a unique opportunity to write the genetic and metabolic therapeutic spin information into solid and liquid media – Garyaev matrix, that controlling and correcting human health information, which was taken from him in a healthy condition.
Linguistics - wave genetics
Linguistics – Wave Genetics is a major branch of the main trunk of the biology and classical genetics. Institute of quantum Genetics takes the concept of a GENE on the quantum level and actually displays Classical genetics of experimentally-theoretical impasse, in which she hit. The impasse arose because, the basic model of genetic coding, proposed by Western scholars and M.Nirenbergom F.Krikom in 1968, is in fact erroneous, though it has positive points. This has led humanity to tragic term gradual genetic collapse and total degradation. And not only humanity, but all life on Earth. This is due primarily to the growing shaft of genetically modified viruses, bacteria, plants, animals. And in the end, Human. The first consequence of this situation steel GMO foods genetically modified, that has already led to severe consequences. The site will be given a detailed explanation about this. This state of things must end, before it’s too late. However,, Institute of quantum Genetics has unimaginable beneficial prospects, the first confirmation of what we’ve got. Wave genetics, in principle, the, can cure ANY illness and prolong the lives of people on indefinitely. Lingvistiko-Wave genetics could create the technology of natural food without slaughterhouses, without wheat, corn, Rye, etc.. This will free up large areas of land and prevent forest trees. Linguistic Wave Genetics can provide a basis for the creation of quantum biocomputers, the power of superior all digital computers, taken together,. Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics will create a basis for long-haul communications people without electronics, emitting harmful electromagnetic fields. It will be biointernet based on telepathy. Institute of quantum Genetics will enable quick learning of children and students. The Word, the wave genetics will jerk of humanity on the other, the highest level of development.
be careful ! be careful ! Fraudulent sites appeared on the Internet , providing false scientific information and distributing fake copies of sound programs-matrices of Peter Petrovich Gariaev.
We publish some of them: , (Tarasenko Svyatoslav), matrix, which is laid out by Andrey Tirtha (Tirtha), Ukraine,……
We have never posted matrices of Petr Gariaev on the Internet for free access (an exception- those, what can be downloaded from our website), to exclude the introduction of any information, which distorts the original sound programs, and may lead to unpredictable results in the future..
The original products of the Institute of Linguistic Wave Genetics of Petr Petrovich Gariaev are presented only on the official websites: and