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Lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics


Matrix Garyaev "Wave Immunity"

In order for the, to realize the enormous potential Linguistic Wave Genetics We need certain methodology and apparatus. The main thing here-laser technology, simulating quantum information processes in the chromosomes of the spin States of photons. Such technology We have created and developed. I Will Note, lasers have long been used in medicine, but in primitivnejšem case. It can be compared with the technique of martial arts breaking bricks head. It Is Clear, It is better to use your head to another.

That have been received in practice when using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics?
1. Received primary results, includes also Bomovskie principles, for long-distance transmission of genetic and metabolic information on plants and bacteria, as well as the sick and old people. For Example, Unable to start healing the previously incurable genetic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis, it’sa bullez, daunizm.
2. Implemented quantum programming stem cells and start to citodifferencirovok, to regenerate teeth, the pancreatic gland and intestines, as well as, in some cases, restore sight to people.
3. Received the primary evidence of real aging in humans and braking the partial return to a more youthful State. Marker – a return to women menstrual cycle is about 70 years.
4. Principles of writing-read the spinornyh field of the genetic apparatus has not used them in biological processes. For Example, quantum information was put about cirkonii in aluminum smelting, that led to fundamentally change its strength properties.
5. Results for permissive wave broadcast one of the most important genes in neurons (Gene BLBP) in stem cells and run their transformation into neurons. This allowed us to restore the damaged brain after injury. Demonstrated dalnyaya broadcast wave permissive BLBP gene (c) neurons in the cerebral cortex of rats by mesenchymal stem cells (MSK) rats, subsequent selective inclusion of this gene and its protein product biosynthesis in MSK. This is a programmable quantum management citodifferencirovkoj stem cells.

Materials submitted for patenting and publication.
The results show, that we can apply lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics in programming stem cells at the quantum level and in the right direction. The problem with stem cells is a priority throughout the world. These are hundreds of institutions. Yet to no avail, because the key to understanding the functions stem cells and their transformations in various tissues and organs is a correct interpretation of the genetic (chromosome) apparatus. And she, This work, is the area of genetics and delusions Molecular Biology in trying to understand the. As a result of wasted billions, as with the international human genome program.

The experiment has been repeated by Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier

on the introduction of the phantom’S DNA in clean water. Difference was, that has been used by our laser equipment. This distinguishes our technology from that group, Luc Montagnier. In addition, has been used a long piece of DNA (1600 base pairs). The fragment was amplified by PCR in the aqueous phase at +4 c. With gel electrophoresis and identified.


Technology – Linguistic Wave Genetics

Will list the, that have been received in respect of sick people, using lingvistiko-wave technology of genetics:

1. Tooth regeneration.
2. Regeneration of the rectum. The patient was regenerated distal end of rectum after surgical removal (cancer).
3. Hair regeneration.
4. Girl 4 years, sick of “incurable” cystic fibrosis, was healed on the spinornomu range of pics of her cousin. Characteristic, that mutation No. 508 (cause of illness) -deletion of nucleotides in one of the few chromosomes, after healing has been repeatedly identified by. That is, the mutation has stayed, and the child is healthy. This paradox is eliminated, the phantom function of DNA.
5. The gradual cure of syndrome behind-Marie.
6. Simultaneous normalization of the status of a large group of people.
7. Quick and full recovery from a brain hemorrhage and the coming paralysis. Patients with bleeding in the brain (stroke, paralysis of half of the body) 4-5 days returned to its normal healthy state, using spinor range of her childhood photos.
8. The patient is in the State of cachexia with “incurable” ulcerative colitis was returned to its normal state in the same way.
9. Restoring lost vision. Sick, blind in the right eye, became normal to see similar through.
10. Cure bone cancer and breast cancer.
11. Several elderly women in menopause menstrual cycle was returned as a clear physiological marker to return to a more youthful State. Beat also used their children’s photos.
12. Anti diabetnye effects.
13. The patient was regenerated facial nerve, breaching during botched surgery. Restored normal facial symmetry.
14. Primary signs of a deceleration of aging.
15. Independently there is case, When a client, who wishes to improve their health, given his baby photo, captured at the time of inoculation against smallpox, at the time of maximum response to vaccination. After a week of using the spinor spectrum photo patient at 60% was covered with sores, characteristic of smallpox. Was quickly obtained a range of from another child photo, where the child is in a healthy condition. Developing smallpox was blocked. In General,the used technology is characterized by a return to past illnesses and injuries, but the return of short-term. Biological time would quickly looks through the previously proven pathological condition.

The cure for these cases until the tentative. Probably, spinornyj spectrum with baby photos of patients and their relatives (healthy) the address Bomovskoj is a kind of Hologram donors photo. It contains healthy correcting information in the spinornogo spectrum photo. It can be used to cure, including “incurable” diseases.

Doctor of biological sciences, rans and RAMTN,
Peter P. Garyaev.