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Theory: research and experiments

DNA and water waves

This is the second fundamental work, underpinning our research. She experimentally proves, that...

Job quantum bio-computer

To understand how the work of the us information and holographic laser , converter, in fact the...

Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus

Implicit functions of the genetic apparatus

Background:Genetics, Biochemistry and physics 20-ies did not let prove brilliant foresight A.g. Gurvich. And only 70-90-s of the last century were the fundamental work of the German school of F.a. Poppa (F.A.Popp), which is the unit of heredity organisms (the...

Transfer bioactive information by sound

Transfer bioactive information by sound

Download the full French pdfSound as the carrier of a biologically active information polarization-laser-wave spectra. The results of the study show, that the impact of the Tibetan Mantra and the acoustic version of NTI PLR (Polarization-Laser-Radiowave) Spectra of...

Biocomputer function of DNA

Biocomputer function of DNA

Download the full French pdfThe basis for the proposed idea of establishing DNA-wave bio-computer, that will use the memory cells made up with genetic molecules, based on experimental and theoretical work implemented by the authors, in which:(a)The ability of DNA to...

The fractality of intelligence

The fractality of intelligence

Peter P. Garyaev, doctor of biological sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of medico-technical sciences, rans:As far as I understand, We have a society of mutual respect, very narrow, and while little, but the Russian Academy of Sciences we are listening....

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2007, # 2, с. 155-158

Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine 2007, # 2, с. 155-158

P.P. Garyaev, A.A.Kokaya *, I.V.Muhina *, E.A.Leonova-Garyaeva, N.G.Kokaya *INKOM-NAUKA, Moscow; * Central research laboratory below the city-state medical academy shown, that exposure modulated by the pancreas and spleen broadband electromagnetic radiation, generated...

Wave genetic code

Wave genetic code

After the discovery of the structure of DNA and detailed consideration of this molecule in the genetic processes underlying problem of life – mechanisms of its playback – in fact not disclosed. Hence the limited arsenal of technical and biotechnological tools for...

Quantum teleportation of photons

Quantum teleportation of photons

Keyword research, which will prove the principle possibility of quantum teleportation of photons. This is necessary for fundamental physical reasons of principle possibility of distant broadcast genetic and metabolic information using polarized (spiniruûŝih) photons....

Genetic code model

Genetic code model

Different understanding of patterns of genetic code.Theoretical analysis of the. In recent years, there have been numerous adherents long time expressed the thought and vision of the famous Russian biologist A.G.Gurvicha about, that hope for genes to explain the real...

Ciomiya genetic code

Ciomiya genetic code

On the basis of theoretical analysis and experimental work is given the analysis of the role ofthird nucleotide codons during protein biosynthesis. Its value is understoodexpansion as compared to the existing ideas. View / download PDF article

A state of genetics and molecular biology, 2020

A state of genetics and molecular biology, 2020

Investigation of the presence of gene sequences from previous sound recordingsin the total pool of total DNA, obtained using random primers. A characteristic feature of the detected long-term spatio-temporal genetic memory is its on and off within different series of...