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Over time, the organs and systems of the body are exposed to all greater wear and impact of adverse factors surrounding Wednesday. After 40-50 years of pathological processes of accumulation in cells of tissues, which previously were not even visible to our consciousness, exacerbated and begin to cause us concern.

All this is possible due to the occurrence at the cellular level of the aging process. Metabolism and protective functions of the body slow down, gradually losing its dominance over pathogenic phenomena, the transition occurs from chronic diseases in acute form.

The proposed programme, created with wavefront technology (quantum) correction, aimed at recovery of organism aged 40-50 years old and older. Unlike beauty treatments and dietary supplements it really helps you configure and repair broken in the body processes and phenomena, slow down aging.

The method begun using modern laser technology, allows to generate particles photons, able to change their polarization and thus read and transmit genetic information, pursuing a “setting” and the recovery of the body at the cellular level. The information will transform with the help of special programs in acoustic signal, perceived human hearing system. Received sound waves trigger the process of regeneration of the body, passing the programmed information about vibrational dynamics and polarization parameters of healthy cells. Thus, on the occurring in the human body processes and phenomena turns out to be a positive therapeutic and preventive effect of.

Pharmacological agents, certainly, have their positive influence, but in most cases when restoring disturbed metabolic processes do not always help to achieve a positive result, and some of the consequences of their use are sometimes unpredictable. Unlike medicines and dietary supplements this the program is totelly harmless.

Developed by body recovery system, used when creating the application, has positive results of its application, who studied and are supported by leading scientific and medical personnel. Active wave methods (quantum) Genetics used to treat cancer. Medical studies proved, that the majority of the occurrence and development of cancer lies the genetic hereditary predisposition. The program allows you to influence the cells thus, to lead them in a normal healthy condition, without abnormalities and mutations. Sometimes this method is the only way to heal and prolong life.

After age 40-50 years for the body it is not critical, but it diseases manifest themselves in a greater degree. Wave (quantum) Genetics allows the use of revolutionary body recovery techniques, which cardinally differ from traditional media and standard medical interventions.

The results of the use of the program do not show up instantly, but gradually manifested and become clearly visible. Time costs caused by the peculiarities of the settings of an organism at a cellular level. They allow you to effectively slow down the aging process and establish a natural recovery mechanism.