The program contributes to the correction of the autonomic and central nervous system.
Modern medicine extensively lately applies methods of wave genetics, based on the implementation of the principles of quantum correction of biological and chemical-physiological properties. As a brick to brick wall is built, and from one disease to another in the human body over time occurs metabolism and strengthened barrier, human well-being separating from the normal level of its essential values. Metabolic causes development of many pathological processes and phenomena, that represent a serious threat to public health.
Classical medical science recommends using all possible means and methods to restore the normal functioning of the organs and systems of the human body. Modern pharmacological drugs and substances are not always effective, Moreover, the consequences of the application of some of them is sometimes not predictable. In addition, questionable drug treatment of metabolic disorders not always justified and incurred material costs.
Wave genetics, In contrast to common chemicals and medicines, allows fine-tuning of the body at the molecular level. This significantly improves protection and other functions of the body. Programmable correction of metabolism allows you to face the challenges of not only preventing, but the treatment of many diseases. It is well known, that metabolic diseases of the circulatory system is extremely detrimental to the flow of internal vital processes, and the deterioration of brain behavior inevitably leads to rapid fading life indicators. Even a slight bone metabolism, contains bone marrow, leads to disorders of the processes of formation of new blood cells and, as a consequence of, suffers a natural mechanism to secure the necessary number of organs tissues of oxygen.
To apply for this program strategic management flowing in the body of biological and physiological processes based on tissue properties to store and transfer information using wave radiation. The program also includes the use of a particular sound spectrum, affecting the metabolism of the circulatory system, that their action restores the normal functioning of the whole complex of organs, involved in metabolic processes and output of toxic substances.
The programme provides for the use of a special laser technology, which allows you to generate photons, change its polarization. These particles are used to transmit information on the cellular level. When sensing a broadband electromagnetic spectrum they hold configuration and restore functionality of the organism. Thus, turns out to be a positive therapeutic effect on many processes, occurring in the human body, including metabolism of the brain as a result, different pathological phenomena.
The positive results of this
reflected in the research of leading employees of the Moscow State University. Bauman.